How YOU Would Be Helping
These funds support the costs of the Ludington Petunia Parade project, including the purchase of petunias, watering truck maintenance and general funds.
The Ludington Petunia Parade is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible and may be specified for the following categories:
$15 per flat
$150 per average block
Watering Truck Maintenance (fuel, replacement parts, etc.)
General Fund
Levels of Giving

Option 1
Click "Donate" to give a tax-deductible gift
or mail your gift to:
Ludington Petunia Parade
P.O. Box 5
Ludington, MI 49431

Platinum $1000+
Gold $500-$999
Silver $250-$499
Bronze $100-$249
Friends $1 - $99
Option 2
Tax-deductible gifts can be made to the
Sabin Petunia Parade Endowment Fund
through the Community Foundation for Mason County
online here or
by mailing a check to the
Community Foundation for Mason County,
P.O. Box 10, Ludington MI, 49431.
On the memo line be sure to write:
Sabin Petunia Parade Endowment Fund